Scars naturally fade over time, but some may remain noticeable. For those seeking to minimize visible scars from abdominal surgery, acne, or facial injuries, we offer microneedling treatments as an effective option. This technique can help reduce the appearance of various types of scars, improving skin texture and overall appearance.

Treatment Options
Microneedling to Treat Surgical Scars
Microneedling carries a low risk of hyper-pigmentation problems and additional scarring, which makes it a suitable treatment choice for people who have sensitive skin, thin skin or skin with a naturally high-melanin content prone to discolouration problems or melasma.
Microneedling is a preferred treatment for hypertrophic scars. It works by stimulating the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin – the two proteins key to maintaining the skin’s structure and elasticity. Further, tiny punctures created during microneedling increase the skin’s permeability thereby enhancing the absorption of topical treatments.